

Jan 20

Resolve to look and feel your best!

Really, who among us doesn’t want to look fabulous on an ongoing basis?  This is an area lots of moms would like to address.  And of course, “Lose weight!” is one of the top New Year’s resolutions many people make. 


Looking great doesn’t have to involve shedding pounds, however, and there are lots of easy ways to feel better about how you look with or without weight loss being a part of the equation:


·         Know your style.  Your body shape and size have a lot to do with which clothes look great on you and which don’t.  If you find style to be a challenge, an online fashionista who calls herself MissusSmartyPants offers free weekly newsletters and an online radio show filled with great fashion tips and ideas for looking stylish on a shoestring.  She also offers weekly advice tailored to your specific body type for only a few dollars a month.

·         Know your colors.  The color of your skin, eyes and hair determines whether particular colors of clothing make you stand out or look washed out.  It can be hard to see this for yourself, but there are lots of books and websites that can help.  This one is a great starting point.

·         Back to basics.  Some moms will say, “I’m not going anywhere special, so there’s no reason to shower or put on makeup.”  But here’s the thing – even if you don’t have to do these things, they generally make you feel better (and more attractive), and many moms report being more productive when they get out of sweats and into regular clothes.

·         Get physical.  Even a little extra exercise goes a long way towards feeling better.  Aside from the obvious benefit of helping with weight management, a short power walk or quick trip to the gym will leave you more energized for hours afterward, you’ll tend to be less hungry, and exercise boosts your immune system as well.

·         Go green.  Add more fruits and veggies into your diet, and keep them on hand (cut up and ready to eat, ideally) for snacks; any produce will give you more sustained energy than sugary snacks.  The more leafy greens you can add into your diet, the better.  Not only are these low in calories, but they help fight off cancer and heart disease, and they’re good for your bones and eyes too.  Greens are certainly not everyone’s favorites, but with all their benefits it’s worth making an effort to get used to them and eat more.

·         Hit the sack.  Though not always possible if there’s a baby in your house, getting enough sleep helps you look and feel better, giving you more energy, fewer dark circles under your eyes, and a better outlook on life.

·         Attitude is everything.  Well, maybe not everything, but it plays a huge role in how you look and feel.  If you feel confident, this shows in your posture, your eye contact, your gait, and your general body language.  The opposite is true as well.  Look around you and you can quickly separate those who feel good about themselves from those who don’t; make whatever changes you need to make so that you’ll be in the former category rather than the latter, or make your best effort to “fake it ’til you make it!”




Your assignment:  Think about what you could do to look and/or feel better in the coming week.  Consider your clothes, foods and habits to see where there’s room for improvement and commit to at least one positive change.

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