

Jan 06

Resolve to be a tortoise

It’s hard to believe 10 years have passed since everyone breathed a sigh of relief that Y2K didn’t bring society as we knew it to a screeching halt at the stroke of midnight on 1/1/2000.  And now a whole new decade is beginning.


Looking back to where you were at the start of the year 2000, did you have any idea you’d be where you are today in terms of your work, your marriage, your children, your life in general?  Do you remember what hopes you had for your life ten years ago?  If you journaled or kept track of your goals and aspirations, how close is your actual life to the life you envisioned?


For some people, this kind of reflection is very satisfying – you’ve accomplished more than you expected, you’re happy with your situation, your children, your partner.  For others, there’s a sense of sadness; you wanted your life to turn out differently, your marriage didn’t work out, your financial picture isn’t as strong as you’d like.  If you feel good about your life, take this opportunity to acknowledge how fortunate you are, and to plan how to continue your positive momentum.  If you wish things were different, look ahead to what specific changes you’d like to make to turn things in a better direction.


When you envision your life over a long period of time, like a decade, almost anything is possible.  So often we start a new year resolving to make huge life changes, only to burn out within a few weeks.  Instead, start thinking about what small (even tiny), meaningful and sustainable changes you can make which will, over time, get you where you want to be.  The tortoise in that old children’s fable (The Tortoise and the Hare) had it right: slow and steady really does win the race.


Here’s a simple example; suppose you want to read more.  You could resolve to set aside an hour every day for reading.  This is a great idea, but probably not realistic for very long.  The tortoise approach, instead, could be to read at least 5 pages of a book every day.  This sounds like almost nothing, but the simplicity is what makes it doable, even on busy days.  Imagine that you did this every single day for a whole year; you would have covered over 1800 pages – several large books.  Granted, 5 pages a day may not feel as satisfying as an hour of reading, but the point is this: over time you can accomplish incredible things with just a little continuing effort.


Over the next few weeks we’ll be looking at some common resolutions and some realistic ways to make them happen, tortoise-style.  Ten years from now, or even one year from now, where do you want your life to be?  What do you want to be doing differently?  And what tiny, tortoise-style changes can you make today to start you on your way?


Your assignment:  Think about your hopes for your life over the next year (or next few years).  When you recognize changes you want to make, decide on ways to implement tortoise-style goals – tiny, sustainable modifications that, over time, will get you exactly where you want to be.  Then start today!  Good luck!

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